This herb is also calming like Valerian but can cause dizziness. Therefore, these herbs are not recommended for those prone to dizziness but may be worth a try for those with no prior history. Starting a lower dose is recommended.
Throughout Europe and the Americas, passionflower has been traditionally used for anxiety and seizures. Today, in the Americas, this herb is commonly used for relaxation.
Passionflower is believed to increase the levels of GABA in the brain. By increasing GABA levels, brain cell activity is calmed, resulting in a relaxed state. Because of this herb’s ability to produce a calm state in brain cells, it may be possible to reduce the severity of essential tremors by consuming this passionflower. It is suggested you consume this herb as a tea using the following directions:
- Pour 1 teaspoon of dried passionflower into one cup of boiling water
- Allow the tea to steep for 10 minutes
- Strain and consume 3-4 servings per day