We are all equipped with skills to manage stress in our DNAs. But for people living with some ailments and disorders such as essential tremor, it is important that they are equipped with necessary skills for living with essential tremor. Treatment and medication will go a long way in reducing the tremors, but being consistently stressed will aggravate the situation.
Most people believe they are suffering from a disease such as Parkinson’s when the symptoms of essential tremor kick in. However, the main difference between them is that tremors for the former tend to kick in when you are doing things using your hands such as drinking, eating, and writing. But with Parkinson’s, you can start trembling even when still and with no movements. Tremors in essential tremor mostly affect the hands but in some cases, you may experience trembling of the jaw, voice, or head.
Causes of Tremors
Tremors in essential tremor are mostly caused by medication used by the patient and his or her lifestyle. For instance, if you use drugs such as antidepressants or lithium, then you may experience tremors.
Therefore, to reduce tremor, you are advised to change your lifestyle and to use drugs for treating essential tremor. In case the medication and lifestyle change do not work, then an implant may be inserted into your brain to address the tremors.
Limit Stress
For the medication or any therapy given to you to work, it is paramount that you avoid stress. You should also try to avoid the stress that is caused by the tremors themselves. Also, try to embrace your condition. Embracing it will reduce the embarrassment you feel due to trembling and the anger that tremor may cause. As much as stress cannot be avoided, it is good to avoid the situations that leave you stressed and by so doing, you will have reduced stress.
Try Medication
Medication can help in reducing the tremors you experience. The most common medication used are primidone, which is an anti-seizure drug, and propranolol, which is used by patients suffering from blood pressure related diseases. Both these drugs have side effects such as dizziness and the patient feeling tired, but they are both manageable.
Other Remedies you can try
- Schedule your tasks well. The tough ones should be planned for your best time, that is, the time when you experience fewer tremors.
- If holding a mug or a cup is a challenge to you, then consider using a straw or a travel mug for drinking.
- Find clothing and shoes that are easy to wear to reduce the stress experienced when struggling to wear them.
- Use utensils that are heavier than others are. These types of utensils will apply more weight to your wrist thus dampening the tremors.
- Get enough sleep and avoid drinking coffee.
With all that said, these tips can go a long way in assisting you to live well with essential tremor.
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